At gocertify, we revolutionise how brands run their offers & loyalty programmes. In just over 3 years we’ve partnered with 350+ retailers including the likes of FARFETCH, Currys, Samsung, HelloFresh and the H&M group. We are continuing to grow quickly, driving over £5m in retailer sales every month - we’ve achieved this without external investment (we’re fully bootstrapped and profitable).
We currently have 2 industry-disrupting products:
Closed group offer verification- enables retailers to engage important segments like students, key workers, and specific age groups with exclusive discounts. Leveraging AI, we ensure instant and accurate verification. Check out the first Google result for “FARFETCH NHS discount” to see an example
White-label offer pages- help retailers convert more shoppers that google for discounts by creating a seamless, brand-owned discount page, diverting traffic from 3rd party websites. Check out the first Google result for “Currys discount code” to see an example.
Underpinning both is the ability for brands to collect zero-party data. Helping brands build communities of students, key workers and discount-savvy shoppers. Traditionally this data is lost to 3rd party voucher code websites - we’re here to change that.Working at gocertify
Working at gocertify
We’re a team of 14, working remotely, but with access to coworking spaces in London where we optionally meet up. We bring the whole team together for socials and team coworking days too.
We work hard, have fun and treat each other with respect and kindness. We’re always working to improve our approach to diversity, equity and inclusion (D,E & I) and know that difference will help us succeed as colleagues and as a company.